Some night landscapes from earlier this year. Some of these are a part of a smaller project called X-Deco that I work on a little each winter. I'm curious to see how San Francisco decorates, if at all, for the holidays. Never really thought about how that works out here.
When I was in Scranton, PA this March for my solo show at New Visions Studio and Gallery, I was able to spend a few hours in Centralia, PA. Me and my friend Melanie Boisseau drove down to see this now ghost town. This once thriving coal town has had a mine fire beneath the land ever since the 60's, which still burns today. It was very surreal to be in this town and see the little left behind. There are still several houses there, some of which are still occupied. I am hoping to make it back there again one day to photograph them.
I officially left Boston two weeks ago to live in San Francisco, where this fall I will start my pursuit of an MFA at the San Francisco Art Institute. Leaving was a bitter sweet event and to say goodbye properly, The Aviary Gallery let me host a farewell party. The show was so much fun. It was a one night event where me and Amalia hung up over 125 loose prints on the wall. Everyone that came was able to take a print(s) for any welcomed size donation. Everyone was really into this idea and was able to pull the image they wanted directly off the wall. I had a lot of fun signing each print and telling the story behind each image. Amalia kept replenishing the wall with other prints, as people started pulling them off. Overall, it was an amazing time.
I will have a piece in this group show called No Mirrors: A juried show of camera-less photography. The show will be at Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco from June 16th to August 2nd. Opening reception is on Thursday, June 16th from 6-8pm. I am not entirely sure who else will be in this exhibit except I do know that Christopher Colville, whose work I have admired for some time now, will have a piece in it. I am excited to see this exhibition. Please come out if you live in the Bay Area.